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Visual Artist - Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“I love to paint. It gives me joy and energy. Looking at my artwork you can see many different eclectic styles along different periods in my life.


In order to really grasp Pato Casagrande's painting, it is necessary to know her roots and experiences. Daughter of a Finnish father and a mother from Santiago, Pato grew up in a large house in Adrogue raised by her grandmother, a trapeze artist in her father’s circus. It is her grandmother who instills in Pato, half in German, half in Spanish, an education strongly oriented to freedom, principle and autonomy, along and in between rich meals and accordion melodies, love for animals, plants, fascination with vibrant colors and, most specially, respect for noble values


Her artistic call manifested in her early childhood. Painting was a game she learned to play all by herself. Lates in life she took formal painting classes at several workshops many of them with her Adrian Lirman who was key in tutoring  her to become the artist she is today.


As a young woman, she mothered two children (Julieta and Vicente) with whom, between laughter, games, spend many years of great joy growing together. During that time continued painting for her own pleasure. Nowadays  with her children grown up  Pato dedicates herself full time to her art, making a profession out of her passion.


Pató´s painting career is segmented in four different creative periods. Initially preferred abstracts compositions (using mostly oil paints and spatulas), later she shifted to bright colorful imaginary animals (She usually refers to these periods as a sort of Animal´s Carnival), more recently she crafted images combining mixed techniques with collage to create shamelessly happy images. In her fourth and current period, Pato has returned to her first love, abstracts but now she enjoys to express herself creating simpler images (enjoying the freedon of not needing give any meaning to her creations) using strong spatula strokes to compose forms that somehow reflect the multicultural heritage she carries in her blood.


Pato paints every day, gives painting lessons and organizes painting workshops for private entities. She also oversees the marketing and selling of her artworks in Argentina and abroad.


She also dedicates time to social activities collaborating with public entities by painting murals, directing installations and organizing workshops in order to give the little ones the possibility of making dreams come true beyond all prejudice and ideology.


listados de cosas que me gustan ingles.j


Individual exhibition – Casa de La Cultura de Bragado, Bs.As
Collective exhibition – Arte Lamroth, Feria de Arte Solidario - Lamroth Hakol, Florida, Bs. As.
Collective exhibition – Casa de la Cultura de Adrogue, Bs. As.
Participation for the 30th anniversary of death Jorge Luis Borges – Legislatura Porteña - CABA.
Selected to be part of the exhibition Contest The art of good treatment, Programa Fundación y el Arte
Individual exhibition – Galerie Big Nose – Waterloo - Bélgica
Individual exhibition – Maison de L’amerique Latine – Bruselas – Bélgica
Painting Contest in Gallery GGG – Second prize – Las Cañitas, CABA.
Individual exhibition – Museo Roca – Recoleta, CABA
Collective exhibition – Honorable Consejo Deliberante de Vicente López, Olivos, Bs. As.
Individual exhibition – Casa de la Cultura de Del Viso, Bs. As.
Participation in the 2nd International Biennial of Contemporary Art – Centro Cultural Borges,
Individual exhibition - Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones FORUM de Santiago del
Prize in traveling exhibition Malvinas sin Fronteras- Fundación Artesomos, CABA.
Individual exhibition - Facultad de Derecho y Colegio de Abogados, Universidad Nacional
de Lomas de Zamora, Prov. de Bs.As.

Social Art

- Art Activities for ONGs
Withe Feather Fundation Art at Hospital International

Design and Execution Mural Casa Garrahan (Buenos Aires)
Design and Execution Mural Hospital Erill de Escobar, Escobar
Design and ExecutionMural Hospital de niños Sor Ludovica, La Plata


- Apoyo San Francisco Fundation
SoñArte Project since 2014


- Salle Argentina Fundation
Arte al Plato Project


-Plato lleno Argentina Project
Arte al rescate


- Nosotros Fundation

Art direction of mural painted by patients with intellectual disability / Art at Hospital.

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